
And I Know Why

I can sit for hours just biting my nails. On Thursdays I have class from 2:00 pm until 10:00 pm. Unless I am writing notes, that time is spent biting my nails. Corey wants me to stop... I think mostly because I bite them on shabbas too. I did try. Last spring semester I went a whole month without biting. My nails aren't used to being grown out though so they were really soft and broke off. I ended up going right back to biting and haven't really been able to made myself stop since. I hesitate to say that I haven't been able to since I am a firm believer in people taking responsibility for their actions. Nail biting is my addiction, but I can stop it if I really try hard enough. My problem is that I'm just not trying... probably because I do feel better when I bite. It calms me down. I'm able to literally just sit there biting without actually thinking about anything. My mind is blank when I'm biting. There are no stressors in my life during bite time. Biting nails is to me like heroin is to a junkie.

//Todays title brought to you by Afroman's "Because I Got High"... no explanation needed.


Frum Librarian said...

I was a big doodler when I was in school. My notes are hard to read in the really boring places because they are so doodled over. Kept me from biting my nails, a habit I since have broken. Also I text messaged a lot. Oh thank g-d I am not in school anymore!

Frum Librarian said...

Just had to comment that I thought of a GREAT book with a J- Children of Men by P.D. James, recently madeinto a movie starring Clive Owen....very cool future dystopia kinda thing.

Jessica said...

Oh, awesome. I saw that movie. I had no idea it was originally a book. thanks!