
But We Ignore That

I am procrastinating. I do not feel an urgent need to write about what I am going to write about, but I am going to because, like I said, I am procrastinating. Wigs. More commonly referred to as "shaitles". I find them, dare I say, silly? Covering hair with more hair. Most wigs these days either look like real hair... sometimes actually better (well, depending on the person wearing it. For example, if I were to wear a shaitle it would improve the look of my frizzy hair). I am married. I wear head scarves/bandannas. Do I feel like I'm better than/more religious than/smarter that those people who choose to wear shaitles? Absolutely not. If you knew my reasons for being anti death penalty and (at the same time) anti gay marriage you'd understand why.

For fear of being bombarded with "you're a bleeding heart liberal for being anti the death penalty" or "you're a fanatic right wing war-monger for being anti gay marriage" comments, maybe I should -- to the best of my ability -- explain why I feel the way I feel on these issues.

I am anti the death penalty. "Why?" you ask. Because we don't live in the time of the bais hamikdash/ sanhedrin anymore. If there were people that were appointed by G-d and not just by any random American on the street I'd probably be all for the death penalty. I'd actually probably be first in line to pull the switch on all the rapists, pedophiles and murderers. But, I guess until moshiach comes, I'll have to wait. ... The Jewish philosopher in me keeps says, "But isn't G-d in control of everything? Obviously he wants these people in power." Maybe so, but G-d also gives us the choice between right and wrong... maybe we made a wrong decision.

I am anti gay marriage. "Why?" you ask. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the Torah (uh... am I going to burn in hell for saying that?). It actually has to do with civil unions. I don't think they're fair. Why should a gay couple get to live together, be on each other's insurance and then at any point just break up without having to pay a lawyers fee? The only way a straight couple can get on each other's insurance is if they're married. And the only way out of that marriage is through divorce. And you're probably wondering why I'm not just anti civil unions. I wish I could be anti only them, but gay marriage and civil unions are nearly always said in the same breath. Through osmosis, I guess, I am anti gay marriage.

So now you see the way my brain works. Welcome to the wonderful world of Jessica.

Minor update -- I finally finished my political philosophy final paper! Miri, though I'm still not completely convinced that it's form of government that is the starting point of politics, you did convince me that it was definitely not justice. Basically my paper was about how the form of government is a starting point, but not the starting point. Unfortunately, I was not able to figure out what the starting point was, but my teacher always says the he prefers us to ask questions even if we don't have the answers, rather than just saying something half-heartedly just to fulfill the requirements for the paper.
With that done I'm left with one 8-page final paper, 2 (40 questions, multiple choice) finals and 4 days until we're out of this hell hole some people like to call "New York".

//Title = Say Anything's "Alive With The Glory Of Love" -- If Say Anything isn't already one of your favorite bands, it should be.


AlanLaz said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Interesting that you make your decision regarding the death penalty for religious reasons, yet don't rely on them at all when forming your opinion on gay marriages. Not saying that's good or bad...just interesting.

Jessica said...

Yeah... I don't get it either. Just the way my mind works.

Jessica said...

thanks. :-)

Anonymous said...

i dont understand ur argument if gay marriage was allowed they would need to go thru a legal divorce end the marriage just as straight married couples and they would have to pay all the legal fees....

Jessica said...

dd... that's my point exactly. they should have to go through that. I don't think there should be any such thing as civil unions at all... for anyone. either get married, or don't, but I don't think there should be any "kinda of married" status.

Anonymous said...

oh sorry i thought u were arguing against gay marriage

(which i personally am against)

Jessica said...

dd, do you have a blog?

Anonymous said...

no i dont think i'd keep it up so there is no point in making one.
I have enough fun reading and commenting on others.
Also I am distracted enuff in school now I cant imagine how distracted I would be if I had my own blog

flatbush gal said...

If sheitels were a new thing I'd be all over it but its just been done for so long I don't even think about it.

flatbush gal said...

I just had an informal debate with a anti-school-hates-frummies kinda class-mate about gay marriages. She was for it and when I dared to bring in a torah perspective she got all flustered because she won't admit that she likes to knock everything jewish.

Anonymous said...

Mmm showers. They can bring you all the joy, if done correctly. I too, haven't met anyone who has the same philosophy on showers as me. You are the first.

And on your post... Sigh. I don't believe in the death penalty, not for religious reasons, but because it seems unethical. Though, I think prisons should be a little less enjoyable, especially if a rapist is going to be spending the rest of their life there.

Gay Marriage, I disagree. Both religiously and just for opinion. Everyone is created equal in the eyes of our law, therefore they should have the right to marry and divorce if they please. And religiously I believe that, because I have to love my neighbor, no matter what they do inside their home.

Jessica said...

flatbushgal - I know those kinds of people. Its amusing to watch them squirm.

jamie - i agree with you. in the eyes of law everyone is created equal. i'm fine with gay marriages. its the civil unions that piss me off.

Jessica said...

dd, it just occurred to me that your statement (about being too busy with school to have a blog) is a bit odd. in my own experience, I spend much more time reading and commenting on other blogs than I actually spend writing the posts in my own blog.

Anonymous said...

I would spend way too much time thinking about what to write and figuring out how to write and making sure it makes sense.
REading other peoples blogs doesnt take the same concentration and brains as i can peruse them lightly and even if my comments dont make that much sense who cares and with all that it still takes away from my studying and because it I dont listen as much in class (what would i do without internet access in class.) If i were to write my own blog i have to think about it and consider what i say and that would take up even more time than i currently spend reading blogsand i would rather spend the time on more important things.

Jessica said...

dd - ah... okay, I understand.

Anonymous said...

Ah! I see. :]
I suppose I was slightly confused when you labeled them together. I don't think they're anything alike, so they shouldn't be lumped together.
But I see what you're saying now.