
Not Asking For This Trite Vaccination

I found out yesterday that I won't be graduating this summer. Oh well, only have to wait one extra semester. Because of this I decided to drop a class (I was only taking 6 this semester because it was the only way I could have a chance to graduate during the summer, but, alas, that's not happening). Which class did I drop? Well, based on the picture that should seem fairly obvious, but I'll tell you anyway: Marx. It is my first class of the day on Monday and Thursday. I was actually enjoying the class and could have dropped one other instead (that I don't find particularly interesting... because of the teacher), but I chose this one because there was a required half hour oral presentation with a partner. That sealed the deal for me.

In other news, I downloaded The Evil Dead Trilogy. So far I have only watched part one: The Evil Dead. I'd have to say watching this movie was a very enjoyable experience. Yeah, there are many inconsistencies. Yeah, the movie is cheesy as anything. Yeah, the characters weren't built up nearly enough. But there were so many great parts that make up for it. While I was watching the movie I was writing down all the parts about it I liked and/or found to be original. Here is that list (with some minor editing to make it coherent to everybody else):
1. When Scottie goes into the cellar you expect him to jump out and scare them after about minute. He doesn't. The suspension continues building as Ash goes into the cellar to check on him. Again, we expect Scottie to jump out. But no, the suspension is built even more as Ash spends a few minutes looking around and then finally "Boo!".
2. Sheryl got raped by a tree. How do you fill out that police report?
3. Pencil. In. Ankle. AAAHHHH!!!!
4. When Scottie is killing the possessed version of Sheryl and it gets all red. It's almost beautiful. Very artistic for such a b-(or rather, c-)movie.
5. They lock up possessed Sheryl and she's mocking them the whole time. It's creepy and hilarious!
6. Possessed and laughing Linda. Epitome of creepy.
7. The light-bulb filling with blood... very cool.
8. Water mirror... whoa.

//Action Action - "Bleed"


Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to watch that series! I like to think of myself as a [mini] movie buff, but I always find I never see the really good, old school ones, such as that one. I need to get my butt in gear and watch them. :}
Sounds awesomely spectacular.

Anonymous said...

interesting to say the least!