
Eating Cheese on Toast

Still visiting my parents. Won't be back in Brooklyn until Wednesday night (blargs). Since it is nearly 2:30 in the morning and I am still unable to sleep (becoming much more of a trend with me these days), I have decided to write a short post. I hate to take cues from movies that "have Oscar buzz written all over them", but "The Bucket List" seems like an interesting idea for a blog post. So, here goes my top 5 things I'd like to do before I die -- I chose to leave out the basics; have kids, etc. In no particular order...
1. Learn HTML (again) -- when I was in high school I enjoyed making websites and got fairly good at HTML. Now though, I can only remember the most basic commands and would love to learn it again and make another website or two.
2. Raise children who respect everyone and everything -- I think a lot of problems stem from a lack of respect for others, for our own selves and for things that we think of as just "things".
3. Learn auto mechanics, carpentry and electric engineering (not sure if that's the right word for it, but whatever the stuff an electrician does, that's what I'm referring to). -- I love doing handyman type things and I think it would be very practical to learn all these things (so my husband and I wouldn't have to pay someone else to do it for us).
4. Either make Aliya or at least get back to Israel at least a few times -- or more specifically, get to see the Kotel in person a few more times.
The last one... well, the last one is just a bit too personal for me to write. Actually, personal is not the right word, but its just something I don't feel comfortable discussing in such a public arena.

//Title is from Kate Nash's "Merry Happy"


Anonymous said...


Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'll show you how to crochet, if you want to?

Jessica said...

That would be so awesome if you could. Please please please!